Conference Website Solutions

Conference Website Solutions

There are multiple services, platforms, and options for developing a conference/event registration website.  A few examples are listed below.

Please be aware that regardless of the option you use for your conference information and registration website, you must use the Bursar's TouchNet system to process any payment collections!  Georgia Tech units are not allowed to use any other payment processors.  The Bursar's Marketplace (see below) is integrated with TouchNet, and other systems can be integrated as well, but may require a skilled developer to write and/or configure the necessary integration code or components.

Drupal Based Options

Standard Drupal Installation

Registration can be done via Qualtrics or WebForm, with email confirmations. Payment can then be forwarded to a Georgia Tech implementation of Touchnet’s Marketplace Upay site set up for the specific conference (see the Bursar's website for full details.)

Non-Drupal On Campus Options

Georgia Tech Professional Education Conference Services

Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE) offers full conference service planning for both on and offsite:  including contracting, planning and registration management.  

GTPE can help with conference management, planning and registration.  They have an established registration management system that is integrated with the Touchnet payment gateway. While their service is not free, contracting with GTPE to provide these services for your event may save you a significant amount of time and headaches.  Please contact GTPE at 404-385-3500 if you are interested and request to be directed to our conference management manager to help get you started.


  • Just for conferences
  • Commercial (fee-based) product with a free (with restrictions and not truly open source) community version

Bursar's Marketplace

  • On-campus resource
  • Only approved option for collecting payments of any kind from anyone