Embed External Media in WordPress

Embed External Media in WordPress esembrat3

WordPress allows you to embed a number of social services into posts and pages automatically.

All Embed Services

For all embed services supported by WordPress, see the WordPress documentation.

Embed a YouTube Clip

To embed a YouTube clip, simply paste the URL where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udAL48P5NJU

WordPress will convert the URL into a YouTube box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Tweet

To embed a tweet from Twitter, simply paste the URL of the specific tweet where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/556131313905070081

WordPress will convert the URL into a Twitter tweet box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Vine

To embed a Vine clip, simply paste the URL where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. https://vine.co/v/OjqeYWWpVWK

WordPress will convert the URL into a Vine video. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed Instagram Media

To embed a Instagram photo or video, simply paste the URL where you would like the media to go.

  • e.g. http://instagram.com/p/x7HY1WkcH8

WordPress will convert the URL into an Instagram video/photo box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed Flickr Media

To embed a Flickr photo or video, simply paste the URL where you would like the media to go.

  • e.g. https://www.flickr.com/photos/georgiatech/15840996510/in/set-72157649357941487

WordPress will convert the URL into a Flickr video/photo box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Meetup Event

To embed a Meetup event, simply paste the URL where you would like the event information to go.

  • e.g. http://www.meetup.com/drupalatlanta/events/219069764/

WordPress will convert the URL into a Meetup event box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Vimeo Video

To embed a Viemo video, simply paste the URL where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. http://vimeo.com/83455083

WordPress will convert the URL into a Vimeo video box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed External Media Sub-Topics

Google Docs Embeds

Google Docs Embeds

Sites @ Georgia Tech has not found an appropriate plugin that allows for safe and easy-to-use Google Docs embeds. 

Obtain Embed Code

To use a Google Doc in your WordPress page, please obtain the embed code from the Google Document. Documentation on how to complete this process can be found on WordPress's knowledge base.

  1. Use the above link to copy the embed code.
  2. Edit the page or post where you would like the embedded content to go.
  3. From the 'Edit Page/Create Page' screen, click the 'Text' tab to enter the HTML view.
  4. Paste the embed code at the bottom of the HTML code shown in the 'Text' tab.
  5. Return to the 'Visual' tab.
  6. Save the content.

Media Embeds

Media Embeds

WordPress has built-in embedding support for various media services.

Note that this content is derived from the Wordpress.org article on Embeds.

What is Embedding?

Embedding allows you to paste a URL from a media service, which is then converted into the proper code for placing into a webpage.

As an example, pasting a YouTube URL into a post or page causes WordPress to convert that URL into the proper YouTube player on your page.

Embedding Services

ServiceEmbed TypeSince 
AnimotoVideosWordPress 4.0 
BlipVideosWordPress 2.9 
CollegeHumorVideosWordPress 4.0 
DailyMotionVideosWordPress 2.9 
EmbedArticlesVariousWordPress 3.9 
FlickrVideos & ImagesWordPress 2.9 
FunnyOrDie.comVideosWordPress 3.0 
HuluVideosWordPress 2.9 
ImgurImagesWordPress 3.9 
InstagramImagesWordPress 3.5 
iSnareArticlesWordPress 2.9 
IssuuDocumentsWordPress 4.0 
KickstarterProjectsWordPress 4.2 
Meetup.comVariousWordPress 3.9 
MixcloudMusicWordPress 4.0 
PhotobucketImagesWordPress 2.9 
PollDaddyPolls & SurveysWordPress 3.0 
ScribdDocumentsWordPress 2.9 
SlideSharePresentation slideshowsWordPress 3.5 
SmugMugVariousWordPress 3.0 
SoundCloudMusicWordPress 3.5 
SpotifyMusicWordPress 3.6 
TEDVideosWordPress 4.0 
TumblrVariousWordPress 4.2 
TwitterSocial mediaWordPress 3.4 
VimeoVideosWordPress 2.9 
VineVideosWordPress 4.1 
WordPress.tvVideosWordPress 2.9 
YouTubeVideosWordPress 2.9 

How to Use Embed

To embed a video or another object into a post or page, place its URL into the content area. Make sure the URL is on its own line and not hyperlinked (clickable when viewing the post).