WordPress User Roles and Access

WordPress User Roles and Access esembrat3

WordPress allows you to add users and provide them with preset roles for editing, posting, and administration.

User Roles and Access Sub-Topics

Add a WordPress User

Add a WordPress User esembrat3

Add a new user to allow multiple users manage content and editing for your website.

Latest Documentation

For the latest and greatest documentation, see Wordpress.org's article on Users -> Add New.

Adding Users

To add users, navigate to 'Users -> Add New' from the administrative portal.

Edit a WordPress User

Edit a WordPress User esembrat3

To edit a user, follow the instructions below.

Edit a User

  1. From the administration dashboard, select 'Users -> All Users' from the left-hand menu.
  2. Hover over a user row for a 'Edit' text to appear. Click 'Edit' to edit the user.

Edit Multiple Users

To edit multiple users (change role), do the following:

  1. From the administration dashboard, select 'Users -> All Users' from the left-hand menu.
  2. From the user table, check the checkboxes of all users  you want to change roles of.
  3. Select the dropdown 'Change role to...' and select a role you want to change all users to.
  4. Click the 'Change' button to confirm this role change.

Remove a WordPress User

Remove a WordPress User esembrat3

To remove a user, follow the instructions below.

Remove a User

  1. From the administration dashboard, select 'Users -> All Users' from the left-hand menu.
  2. Hover over a user row for a 'Remove' text to appear. Click 'Remove' to edit the user.

Remove Multiple Users

To remove multiple users, do the following:

  1. From the administration dashboard, select 'Users -> All Users' from the left-hand menu.
  2. From the user table, check the checkboxes of all users  you want to remove.
  3. Select the dropdown 'Bulk Actions' and select 'Remove'.
  4. Click the 'Apply' button to confirm this removal.

WordPress User Roles

WordPress User Roles esembrat3

WordPress has a predefined set of user roles for your users to be placed into. 

Read More

Wordpress maintains the most up-to-date documentation on user roles. Wordpress also has a developer-centric page on Role delegation.


The following roles are available:

  • Administrator – nothing is off limits
  • Editor – has access to all posts, pages, comments, categories, tags, and links.
  • Author – can write, upload photos to, edit, and publish their own posts.
  • Contributor – has no publishing or uploading capability, but can write and edit their own posts until they are published
  • Follower (public sites) / Viewer (private sites only) – can read and comment on posts and pages

Role Inheritance

Each user role is capable of everything that a less powerful role is capable of. (In others words, Editors can do everything Authors can do, Authors can do everything Contributors can do, and so on.)