Embed External Media in WordPress

WordPress allows you to embed a number of social services into posts and pages automatically.

All Embed Services

For all embed services supported by WordPress, see the WordPress documentation.

Embed a YouTube Clip

To embed a YouTube clip, simply paste the URL where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udAL48P5NJU

WordPress will convert the URL into a YouTube box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Tweet

To embed a tweet from Twitter, simply paste the URL of the specific tweet where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/556131313905070081

WordPress will convert the URL into a Twitter tweet box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Vine

To embed a Vine clip, simply paste the URL where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. https://vine.co/v/OjqeYWWpVWK

WordPress will convert the URL into a Vine video. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed Instagram Media

To embed a Instagram photo or video, simply paste the URL where you would like the media to go.

  • e.g. http://instagram.com/p/x7HY1WkcH8

WordPress will convert the URL into an Instagram video/photo box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed Flickr Media

To embed a Flickr photo or video, simply paste the URL where you would like the media to go.

  • e.g. https://www.flickr.com/photos/georgiatech/15840996510/in/set-72157649357941487

WordPress will convert the URL into a Flickr video/photo box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Meetup Event

To embed a Meetup event, simply paste the URL where you would like the event information to go.

  • e.g. http://www.meetup.com/drupalatlanta/events/219069764/

WordPress will convert the URL into a Meetup event box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed a Vimeo Video

To embed a Viemo video, simply paste the URL where you would like the video to go.

  • e.g. http://vimeo.com/83455083

WordPress will convert the URL into a Vimeo video box. Once that is completed, you can then re-align the box to be formatted with or around text.

Embed External Media Sub-Topics