Website Redesign: Initiation

Website Redesign: Initiation

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The project sponsors and other important stakeholders will decide whether to commit to the web project and define it at a broad level.


Identify the website’s purpose.

  • What is the rationale for embarking on this website project?
    Example: We want a website that focuses solely on this program and the functions related to applying, enrolling, and being a student of the program.
  • What are your objectives and how will you leverage the website to achieve them?
    Example: Increase newsletter subscriptions by making the web form responsive and brief.

Determine success metrics.

  • How will you measure impact and success?
    Example: Increase subscriptions 10%, from 500 to 550.

Identify target audiences and audience goals.

  • Who are the primary and secondary audiences?
    Examples: Prospective undergraduate students, current undergraduate students, prospective graduate students, current graduate students.
  • Are there any other key audiences that will visit the website?
    Examples: High school counselors, parents of prospective undergraduate students.
  • What are the top three tasks you want each of these audiences to do on the website?
    Examples: Read graduate program descriptions, learn how to apply, sign up for the newsletter.

Assemble a project team.

Who will be involved in the building, launch, and maintenance of your website? To determine whether you may need to hire an external vendor, answer the following questions:

  • Do you have an in-house web developer? Yes/No
  • Do you have an in-house content writer and editor? Yes/No
  • Do you have an in-house designer? Yes/No
  • Do internal team members have the bandwidth to make the website a top priority during key phases of the project? Yes/No

If you answered, “No” to any of the questions above, you should plan to hire freelance professionals or agencies. In this case, you will need to prepare a Scope of Work in order to find the best professionals to work with within your budget.

For those considering hiring a third party for their website work, Georgia Tech has an enterprise-wide contract in place that allows you to quickly get estimates from a group of pre-approved vendors. 


Lightbulb iconTIP:
“Around this time, there may be a need to develop a communications strategy around the redesign effort and launch. In some instances, the communications will primarily be internal.” Shayla Hill, Assistant Director - Digital Strategy

Next Step

Once the project has been formally started, all team members should participate in the discovery part of the Planning Phase.