PWP Domain Request (Subunit) Procedure

PWP Domain Request (Subunit) Procedure

The process below outlines the creation of a sub-unit subdomain for Georgia Tech's PWP service. Sub-unit domains take the form of

Step 1. Request Sub-Domain Creation through Unit CSR/IT Support

To obtain a custom sub-domain, submit the following message to your local department, school, unit IT or CSR support through their standard support channel.

Please replace "subunit.something" with the actual name that you want:


I would like to request the subdomain be created as a CNAME for Please let me know when this subdomain has been added to campus DNS.

This message is intended for the local unit CSR/IT for domain and CNAME creation. If wrongly routed, please return to the proper unit.

Thank you,

Your Name Here

Step 2. Request Sub-Domain Assignment through PWP

Once your local IT support has notified you that they have set up your subdomain name, the next step is to submit the domain request to PWP for your PWP website.

Submit a new custom domain assignment request to the PWP administrators ( ). Be sure to include both the custom domain name you had created and the current URL for your PWP website.

Please replace" subunit.something" with the actual name that you want:


I would like to request the subdomain be added to PWP website Please let me know when this subdomain has been added to campus DNS.

This message is intended for the PWP group for domain assignment. If wrongly routed, please return to the proper unit.

Thank you,

Your Name Here

Warning! Do not request a PWP custom domain assignment request until you have received confirmation that your new (sub-domain name) has been added to the campus DNS system.

The PWP staff cannot assign the name to your site before it is in DNS, as doing so would completely lock you out of your site until DNS is properly updated.