PWP Domain Request (Subdomain) Procedure

PWP Domain Request (Subdomain) Procedure

Request a Custom Georgia Tech Top-Level Domain Name

Please note that Top-Level Domain names (also known as third-level DNS entries) will require approval from Institute Communications.  You can seek approval before submitting your request to OIT, or otherwise OIT will reach out to them to get approval before adding your requested domain name to the DNS system.

To obtain a custom top-level domain, you must open a support ticket with OIT.  Please use the preceding link and select the "DNS Entry or Change Request" option under "Service Type".  Paste in the following message under "Please enter a brief description", replacing "something" with the actual name that you want:

Subject: Request for New DNS CNAME


I would like to request the custom domain name be created as a CNAME for The purpose of this domain name is for a new website to represent [insert here a description of your major unit or high level project, activity, or event].

Please assign this request to OIT DNS team for setting up the CNAME and have them route to the "Professional Web Presence" service area after the CNAME is in place.

Thank you,

Your Name Here

After receiving notice from that your domain name has been added to the campus DNS system and assigned to your PWP website, you should be all set.

Subject: Request for New DNS CNAME


I would like to request the custom domain name be created as a CNAME for The purpose of this domain name is for a new website to represent [insert here a description of your major unit or high level project, activity, or event].

Please assign this request to OIT DNS team for setting up the CNAME and have them route to the "Professional Web Presence" service area after the CNAME is in place.

Thank you,

Your Name Here

After receiving notice from that your domain name has been added to the campus DNS system and assigned to your PWP website, you should be all set.