Accessibility Disclosures for Attached Document Files

Accessibility Disclosures for Attached Document Files

Some document files attached to Georgia Tech website pages may be in a format that requires an additional browser extension or a special application on your computer or device to be able to open them.  The following disclosures describe how to utilize the most commonly found types of files in use at Georgia Tech:

Adobe PDF

Some more-recent web browsers have the ability to download and view PDFs.  If your browser does not have this support, you will need a PDF reader on your computer or device such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Files

These document files are produced by the Microsoft Office application.  If you have Microsoft Office installed on your computer, then your web browser should be able to open these files automatically.  If you do not have Microsoft Office, there are other alternatives including the Apple office applications (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote) found on most Macintosh computers, or the free Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice.