Role Agnostic

PWP Domain Request (Subunit) Procedure

The process below outlines the creation of a sub-unit subdomain for Georgia Tech's PWP service. Sub-unit domains take the form of

Step 1. Request Sub-Domain Creation through Unit CSR/IT Support

To obtain a custom sub-domain, submit the following message to your local department, school, unit IT or CSR support through their standard support channel.

Please replace "subunit.something" with the actual name that you want:



Drupal is a very popular Content Management System that is the preferred system for Georgia Tech unit websites.

The Georgia Tech Drupal Users Group provides a wiki-style website with informational guides and articles about Drupal usage.  Please refer to their website if you need more information about Drupal at Georgia Tech.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

New data privacy regulations in the European Union (EU) will effect the work of companies and organizations around the world — including Georgia Tech.

The European Union General Data Protection Regulations (EU GDPR) become enforceable Friday, May 25. The chief focus of these regulations is to protect the collection, use, and transmission of personal data of people while they are physically within the EU.